Relaxation & Mood
Everyone experiences stress from time to time
Everyone feels tense from time to time. For example, you may feel nervous before a first date, or approaching an exam, a presentation or a competition. That isn’t a bad thing, as a healthy amount of tension can actually help you to perform better. When stress and tension start to dominate your life, then it’s time to do something about it. For example, by developing a positive attitude, making sure you relax after effort and taking a high quality food supplement to help improve your mood.
Tension can be caused by all kinds of things, from events at home, at work or in school to something in the news. We all suffer from tension and anxiety at times. That’s not a bad thing and it often doesn’t last long. But if tensions persist then this causes mental and physical problems. Stress and tension lead to the production of adrenaline. You need this, because when you’re under pressure you may want to fight or flee. Your heart rate quickens, your blood starts to flow faster and you’re ready to run away or start fighting. After the adrenaline kick, your adrenal glands start to produce cortisol. This stress hormone increases your blood sugar level, so that your body has enough energy to fight or flee. Once this stressful moment has passed, the storm of adrenaline and cortisol dies down and your body gets back into balance. But if you’re constantly under severe stress, then this storm doesn’t die down and your body continues to produce too much adrenaline and cortisol. As a result, over time your body becomes exhausted and that’s something you want to avoid. That’s why relaxation is so important.
Mood is just an umbrella term for how you feel mentally. Your mood can be good, meaning that you feel joyful and happy. But if you’re in a bad mood, then you feel tired and irritable. Your mood goes through different stages during the day, as you can’t always keep feeling 100% happy. Generally, at the end of the day you can rate your average mood during the day and this may tend towards the positive or the negative. If you experience negative emotions due to tension, this can cause a lot of problems for you. For example, negative feelings such as fear of failure can stop you from performing well. It’s not just your body that benefits when you relax, tensions have a negative effect on your state of mind as well. Stress puts you in a bad mood. Particularly when you feel more like crying than laughing, you may tend to be irritable, snap at everyone and feel despondent. If tensions continue for a really long time, you can even end up having depression or a burnout as a result. Of course, the best thing is to avoid stress, but relaxing properly - even during periods of tension - is very important for your body and your mind.
Relaxing in your own way
After a period of tension you relax, or at least that’s how it should be. If you suffer from anxiety, then your mind often gets too full and you lose sight of the bigger picture. In that situation, it’s a good idea to take a step back from the problem. When you relax, the production of cortisol and adrenaline decreases, so that your heart rate drops back to normal, your blood flows less quickly and your muscles are no longer in a constant state of readiness (for fight or flight). This means you can get a better overview and you may be able to handle this stressful situation better. Everyone has their own way of relaxing. You could go for a spa day, visit a museum or push yourself to the limits at the gym. You can also clear your head by going for a walk in the countryside, having an evening out with friends or doing yoga by the sea. And, of course, curling up on the sofa to watch a film or read a good book or your favourite magazine is another way of relaxing. Do something with other people or spend time alone. Find out what works best for you as a way of taking your mind off everything that’s going on around you, so that you can go back to face those challenges with renewed energy later. It also helps to talk to someone about everything that’s bothering you. You’ll notice that talking to someone you trust about these things can really take the weight off your shoulders.
Sleeping well
Sleep is really important for your mental health. A good night’s sleep helps you to process the emotional and physical events of the previous day, so that - hopefully - you wake up feeling good about life again. Struggling to sleep because you’re too stressed? Try adopting a personal sleep ritual before going to bed. Half an hour before you go to bed, turn off all the screens in the house, get a good book and read for a while. Take a hot shower, drink a cup of herbal tea or warm milk and then go to bed. Clearing your mind will help you to sleep better. To help with this you can use Dr. Becky Perfect Sleep, a balanced food supplement with various ingredients that help you to relax and sleep better. The 5HTP supplement can also be useful in helping you to sleep better.
Nutrients for peace of mind
Dr. Becky Positive Mind is a food supplement that has been carefully put together to help you relax and feel more positive about life. You can use this supplement at times when you’re experiencing extra stress, such as during exams or when you’re mourning the death of someone close to you. It helps to reduce anxiety and feelings of agitation. It also helps you to sleep better. Which is essential to your wellbeing during busy, stressful periods. Nutrients such as passion flower extract, ginseng and ashwagandha extract are linked to reducing stress, anxiety and agitation. They can have a positive effect on your brain, leading you to feel better about life, experience less stress and, consequently, be in a better mood. The supplement also includes various amino acids that may help with tiredness during periods of stress, tension and mental agitation.
More information from Dr. Becky
If you have any questions about the supplements to improve your mood, don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Becky. We’ll be happy to help and advise you on how to make your life calmer and more relaxed.
● Formula to relieve stress and anxiety
● Benefits mood
● Natural ingredients
● Supports sleep
● Natural ingredients
● Based on scientific research
● Promotes the production of serotonin
● Natural Griffonia seed extract
● Promotes Good Mood
- Supplements for Mental Health
- Next Day Delivery
- High Quality Supplements
● Female libido booster
● Helps increase sexual desire
● Natural ingredients
Overige categorieën in Mood & Relaxation
Relaxation & Mood
Everyone experiences stress from time to time
Everyone feels tense from time to time. For example, you may feel nervous before a first date, or approaching an exam, a presentation or a competition. That isn’t a bad thing, as a healthy amount of tension can actually help you to perform better. When stress and tension start to dominate your life, then it’s time to do something about it. For example, by developing a positive attitude, making sure you relax after effort and taking a high quality food supplement to help improve your mood.
Tension can be caused by all kinds of things, from events at home, at work or in school to something in the news. We all suffer from tension and anxiety at times. That’s not a bad thing and it often doesn’t last long. But if tensions persist then this causes mental and physical problems. Stress and tension lead to the production of adrenaline. You need this, because when you’re under pressure you may want to fight or flee. Your heart rate quickens, your blood starts to flow faster and you’re ready to run away or start fighting. After the adrenaline kick, your adrenal glands start to produce cortisol. This stress hormone increases your blood sugar level, so that your body has enough energy to fight or flee. Once this stressful moment has passed, the storm of adrenaline and cortisol dies down and your body gets back into balance. But if you’re constantly under severe stress, then this storm doesn’t die down and your body continues to produce too much adrenaline and cortisol. As a result, over time your body becomes exhausted and that’s something you want to avoid. That’s why relaxation is so important.
Mood is just an umbrella term for how you feel mentally. Your mood can be good, meaning that you feel joyful and happy. But if you’re in a bad mood, then you feel tired and irritable. Your mood goes through different stages during the day, as you can’t always keep feeling 100% happy. Generally, at the end of the day you can rate your average mood during the day and this may tend towards the positive or the negative. If you experience negative emotions due to tension, this can cause a lot of problems for you. For example, negative feelings such as fear of failure can stop you from performing well. It’s not just your body that benefits when you relax, tensions have a negative effect on your state of mind as well. Stress puts you in a bad mood. Particularly when you feel more like crying than laughing, you may tend to be irritable, snap at everyone and feel despondent. If tensions continue for a really long time, you can even end up having depression or a burnout as a result. Of course, the best thing is to avoid stress, but relaxing properly - even during periods of tension - is very important for your body and your mind.
Relaxing in your own way
After a period of tension you relax, or at least that’s how it should be. If you suffer from anxiety, then your mind often gets too full and you lose sight of the bigger picture. In that situation, it’s a good idea to take a step back from the problem. When you relax, the production of cortisol and adrenaline decreases, so that your heart rate drops back to normal, your blood flows less quickly and your muscles are no longer in a constant state of readiness (for fight or flight). This means you can get a better overview and you may be able to handle this stressful situation better. Everyone has their own way of relaxing. You could go for a spa day, visit a museum or push yourself to the limits at the gym. You can also clear your head by going for a walk in the countryside, having an evening out with friends or doing yoga by the sea. And, of course, curling up on the sofa to watch a film or read a good book or your favourite magazine is another way of relaxing. Do something with other people or spend time alone. Find out what works best for you as a way of taking your mind off everything that’s going on around you, so that you can go back to face those challenges with renewed energy later. It also helps to talk to someone about everything that’s bothering you. You’ll notice that talking to someone you trust about these things can really take the weight off your shoulders.
Sleeping well
Sleep is really important for your mental health. A good night’s sleep helps you to process the emotional and physical events of the previous day, so that - hopefully - you wake up feeling good about life again. Struggling to sleep because you’re too stressed? Try adopting a personal sleep ritual before going to bed. Half an hour before you go to bed, turn off all the screens in the house, get a good book and read for a while. Take a hot shower, drink a cup of herbal tea or warm milk and then go to bed. Clearing your mind will help you to sleep better. To help with this you can use Dr. Becky Perfect Sleep, a balanced food supplement with various ingredients that help you to relax and sleep better. The 5HTP supplement can also be useful in helping you to sleep better.
Nutrients for peace of mind
Dr. Becky Positive Mind is a food supplement that has been carefully put together to help you relax and feel more positive about life. You can use this supplement at times when you’re experiencing extra stress, such as during exams or when you’re mourning the death of someone close to you. It helps to reduce anxiety and feelings of agitation. It also helps you to sleep better. Which is essential to your wellbeing during busy, stressful periods. Nutrients such as passion flower extract, ginseng and ashwagandha extract are linked to reducing stress, anxiety and agitation. They can have a positive effect on your brain, leading you to feel better about life, experience less stress and, consequently, be in a better mood. The supplement also includes various amino acids that may help with tiredness during periods of stress, tension and mental agitation.
More information from Dr. Becky
If you have any questions about the supplements to improve your mood, don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Becky. We’ll be happy to help and advise you on how to make your life calmer and more relaxed.